Hi. Charlie here, the curator of Money Taco.

Are you tired of financial jargon leaving you feeling like a deflated burrito?

Same, friend, same.

That's why Money Taco was born. I’m on a mission to ditch the dry lectures and turn finance into a fiesta for fellow Millennials and Gen Z's.

Money Taco wasn't born from a conference room brainstorm or a Silicon Valley garage. It grew from a simple frustration: the information overload faced by Millennials and Gen Z’s navigating the ever-evolving finance landscape.

I felt the need for a trusted source, a place where readers interested in personal finance could cut through the clutter and find the insights that truly matter.

So, Money Taco was born. I’m an accountant looking for answers to improve personal finance and dedicated to one mission: empowering readers with actionable finance goals in a fun and engaging way.

What’s on the menu? 🌮

  • News with the fluff removed: I curate the hottest finance news from reliable sources, keeping it short, sweet, and to the point.

  • Deep dives you can digest: I break down complex trends and explain what's driving the financial world, all in easy-to-understand language.

  • Actionable insights, not just opinions: I equip you with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions and reach your personal finance goals.

My Standards 🌮

I hold myself to the highest standards to deliver financial news from reliable sources.

  • Integrity is my salsa: We hold ourselves to the highest standards and only deliver accurate information from trusted sources.

    Transparency is my secret ingredient: I’m always upfront and honest, clearly distinguishing facts from opinions and disclosing any potential biases.

And the name? Money Taco? 🌮

It's catchy, memorable, and reflects our commitment to making finance fun, engaging, and accessible. Plus, who wouldn't want to learn about money while enjoying a delicious taco?

Welcome to Money Taco. Let's dive in.

All the best,